Hay fork menggunakan multi-tooth dan struktur desain yang sesuai, di mana fungsi utamanya adalah untuk bongkar muat material biomassa yang ringan. Fork pada alat ini telah lolos FEA (Finite Element Analysis) dan verifikasi penggunaan di lapangan, yang memberikan hasil kapasitas muatan besar serta keandalan yang tinggi.

The bucket is equipped with straight and flat main cutting edge as well as durable side cutting edge teeth. After finite element analysis (FEA) and on-site test, the bucket features high strength and durability.

Quick coupler is a coupling device between the lift arm and worktools, you can install a variety of worktools through a common connection to achieve versatility.

Loader High Lift menyediakan pin bucket yang lebih tinggi (B-pin) untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pembongkaran serta stabilitas yang lebih tinggi.

Kapasitas bucket yang lebih besar, cocok untuk diaplikasikan pada material ringan.

Pallet Fork consists of two flat tines and body frame, and the tines are adjustable in horizontal. The tines are forged with wedge-shaped front end for ease of loading materials.

Marble fork consists of two flat teeth which the spacing is adjustable and the main body frame. Fork teeth are forged and the front end is wedge-shaped which makes it easy to load materials. The main frame and fork teeth pass through not only the finite element analysis (FEA) but also actual working conditions, which also features high strength and durability.

Dilengkapi dengan pinggiran yang tajam, Bucket with Secondary Cutting Edgebiasanya dipasang dengan cara dibaut ke bagian bawah pelat utama ataupun sebaliknya. Penggunaan bucket ini dapat membantu memperlambat keausan pada bagian bilah utama serta dapat memperpanjang umur bucket. Selain itu, bucket ini juga dapat melindungi tanah secara efektif dibanding bucket biasa dengan gigi.

Side dump bucket can achieve front jobs and side jobs, which can dump material at any positions according to jobsite requests by adjusting the cylinder of the side discharge. The secondary cutting edge and side plate are made of high strength and wear-resistant materials, which are better adapted to load and unload the rocks and other dense materials.

The V-shaped main cutting edge effectively reduces the resistance when inserting into material. With high wear resistant bucket tooth and secondary cutting edge, the bucket features high strength, wear resistance, impact-resistance through finite element analysis and the actual working conditions verification.